Are Free Article Submission Sites Worth Your Time Investment?

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When it comes to content marketing, there is plenty of options available. One of the most popular options is free article submission sites. But are these sites worth your time investment? This blog post will explore the pros and cons of article submission sites to help you decide if this is a viable option for your content marketing strategy.

What are the Free article submission sites?

Free article submission sites are websites where you can submit articles for free. These sites offer an excellent opportunity to get more exposure online without spending a penny. There are many popular article submission sites on the web, such as EzineArticles, Go Articles, Article Dashboard, Buzzle, and Articles Base.

These sites provide the opportunity to create an author profile and submit articles on various topics. You can also include a link to your website or blog in the author’s resource box at the end of the article. This will drive traffic to your site and helpย improve your search engine rankings.

These sites have become increasingly popular as they provide a quick and easy way to get your content seen by thousands of readers worldwide. Most places have high page ranks, so submitting articles can boost your website’s rankings.

The pros of using free article submission sites

  1. Increased Exposure:ย One of the main benefits of free article submission sites is that you can quickly gain more exposure for your content. Submitting your articles to these sites allows you to get noticed by a larger audience and increase your brand visibility.
  2. Establishing Authority:ย By submitting articles to free article submission sites, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and demonstrate your knowledge to potential customers and clients. This will help to build trust in your business and help you attract more customers.
  3. Improve SEO: Article submission sites can also help you improve your website’s SEO. By submitting quality content to these sites, you can get backlinks to your website, which will enhance your search engine rankings and help you get more organic traffic.
  4. More Traffic:ย When you submit your articles to free article submission sites, they will be indexed by search engines and appear in the search results. This can increase traffic to your website, as users who find your content on these sites may visit your website afterward.
  5. Build Connections:ย When you submit your articles to free article submission sites, you can also connect with other professionals in your industry and start conversations. This can be a great way to build relationships and collaborate on projects with other professionals in your field.

The cons of using free article submission sites

When it comes to article submission sites, there are a few drawbacks to consider before investing time in them.

First, since these sites are free, they may have fewer features than paid services. This means you may get a different level of analytics and report from a paid service. Additionally, these sites may offer more traffic than paid services if you want more visibility and authority.

Another issue is the quality of content published on free article submission sites. Many of these sites must be filled with better-written and plagiarized content. As a result, readers may be turned off by your content, and search engines may not take your content as seriously as they would be published on a higher-quality site.

Finally, many of these sites are filled with advertisements and other distractions. This can make it difficult to focus on the content you are submitting and ensure that your piece stands out from the competition.

Understanding the pros and cons of free article submission sites allows you to decide whether they are worth your time investment.

How to make the most out of free article submission sites

  1. Quality Matters:ย Always strive to write quality content for submission. Good content attracts attention and gives your article more weight in search engine rankings.
  2. Choose the Right Sites:ย Not all free article submission sites are created equal. Research the best places for your industry and focus your efforts there.
  3. Consistently:ย Post regularly to get the most out of your article submissions. Doing this will help you build a loyal audience over time.
  4. Include Relevant Links:ย Ensure you include links to your website or blog when submitting an article. This will help you drive traffic back to your site.
  5. Track Your Results:ย Tracking the results of your article submissions will help you identify what is and isn’t working. Use analytical tools such asย Google Analytics to do this.

By following these tips, you can make the most of free article submission sites and take advantage of their traffic and exposure. Quality content, a good selection of sites, consistent postings, relevant links, and tracking results will help you get the best return on your time investment.

Are free article submission sites worth your time investment?

When using free article submission sites, it’s essential to ensure your content is optimized for search engine rankings. This means including relevant keywords in the title and description of your content and backlinks to other relevant pages on your website. Additionally, it’s crucial to submit regularly and track which articles are receiving the most attention.

Whether or not free article submission sites are worth your time investment depends on your goals and available resources. Suppose you’re looking for a way to increase your visibility online quickly and need more resources to invest in premium platforms. In that case, free article submission sites can be a great option. However, it may be better to look elsewhere if you’re looking for more authoritative content and are willing to invest time and money into other marketing efforts.


In conclusion, free article submission sites can be an excellent tool for businesses or individual content creators looking to get their work seen by a wider audience. They offer a low-cost, low-effort way to reach new readers and establish your reputation as an authority in your field. However, it’s essential to understand the pros and cons of using these sites and ensure that you invest your time correctly. By being aware of the potential pitfalls and taking advantage of the benefits, you can make the most out of free article submission sites and maximize the returns on your time investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the free online article publishing sites?

Some popular free article submission sites include EzineArticles, GoArticles, ArticleCity, HubPages, and Article Dashboard. These sites often have guidelines that authors must follow when submitting their work, such as providing original content and following a specific format. However, most of these sites also offer helpful tips for authors who may need help getting started. Additionally, some of these sites provide tools for tracking the performance of articles once they are published.

2. What are the best sites for article posting?

There are several factors to consider when finding the best sites for article posting. The first is the size and scope of the website’s reach. How many visitors does the website have? Does it have a large readership? This can be important when trying to ensure your article reaches as many people as possible.

Additionally, the quality of the content on the website should also be taken into account. Does the website feature articles from established authors or experts in their field? Is the content up-to-date and accurate?

3. Any article submission sites in India?

Yes, there are several article submission sites in India. These websites provide an effective platform for Indian writers and content creators to showcase their work and promote it to a wide range of audiences. Some of India’s most popular article submission sites include ScoopWhoop, YourStory, and YouthKiAwaaz, among many others.

4. List of free article submission sites without registration?

Several free article submission sites are available online where you can publish your content without registering. Here is a list of some of the most popular sites for posting content without registration:

  1. Go to Articles
  2. Article Dashboard
  3. Article Directory Pro
  4. Buzzle
  5. ArticleSnatch
  6. ArticleCity
  7. eHow

These are just some free article submission sites that don’t require registration. With these websites, you can easily publish your content and get it in front of thousands of potential readers quickly and easily.

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With 5+ years of experience in digital marketing, handling Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Content Marketing activities for various categories of websites.

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