6 Top PPC Tips to Get Maximum Conversion

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PPC can be one of the fastest ways to get conversions on your website, but also one of the most complicated and expensive to run correctly. These 6 topย PPCย tips can help ensure that your ads convert at the highest possible rate while keeping your budget in check.

What is a reasonable PPC conversion rate?

Reasonable PPC conversion rates depend on what you’re selling. On average, a 1 percent conversion rate means you’ll make $1 per click and spend $100 per conversion. The lower your budget is, however, the more critical it is to track these conversions because small changes can lead to big profits in a small account.

How much should you spend on PPC?

Before you even start advertising on PPC, you should devise a budget for it. Without a financial constraint, PPC can easily cost your business too much in one month if you’re not careful. If you start with a specific spending amount and find that it’s working, you can increase your spending accordingly.

6 top PPC tips to get a maximum conversion

To get maximum conversion from your pay-per-click campaign, you should understand consumer behavior and purchasing journey. The main goal is to convert clicks into paying customers.

  1. ย Think from the customer’s perspective

When running your AdWords account, think from the customer’s perspective: what do they want, how do they search for it, and where are they at any given point in their buyer’s journey? It’s not enough to advertise your products or services.

You have to give people a reason (the right reasons) to buy them. That’s why you should always search for the right keywords and messages to make people click on your ad.

  1. Offer an attractive deal

If you’re offering an attractive deal, your potential customers will likely sign up. For example, if you offer a trial period where there is no cost for users, they can still enjoy significant features of your app.

People don’t want to lose out on somethingโ€”even a discounted priceโ€”so make sure you appeal to their sense of urgency. Please give them a benefit that only lasts for a limited time and promotes higher conversions.

  1. Choose a content Rich, compelling landing page

Choose a content-rich, compelling landing page if you’re aiming for a click-through rate. For instance, if you’re a restaurant, what better way to connect with potential customers than by showing off your mouthwatering menu?

Including an offer is also a must. Are you giving away free samples or a discount code? Make sure it’s on your landing page for everyone to see!

  1. Localize your campaign

People near your physical location may be more likely to convert, so you might consider localizing your campaign if you are a merchant selling travel-related services.

For example, it may be worth setting up campaigns targeting users in major cities. A good rule of thumb: if your potential customers are physically nearby, show them ads tailored specifically for their area.

  1. ย Use native keywords

The words in your ad’s headline and description text should be similar (or identical) to what people will type into Google or other search engines when looking for your product or service.

A person searching for a kiteboarding lesson, for example, isn’t going to be looking for surfing lessons, so native keywords are essential. The better your keyword match is with someone searching online, the more likely they will click on your ad and visit your website.

  1. Don’t forget about mobile users

With mobile devices accounting for more than half of internet usage, you can’t afford to ignore that traffic. A recent ComScore study found that 41% of smartphone users said they had made an in-store purchase based on information received on their phones.

To maximize mobile conversions, ensure your site is accessible from these devices and optimize landing pages for smaller screens.


In conclusion, when it comes to paid search, you have more options than ever for targeting your audience and communicating with them. We’ll need a well-thought-out PPC tips/strategy that takes a multi-pronged approach to take advantage of these new opportunities.

Using these six best practices as guidelines, you’ll be able to execute an effective campaign that yields a higher return on investment than ever before. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Question

1. How to improve PPC performance?

PPC has been getting more and more popular in recent years. And it’s easy to see why since it allows you to pay for targeted traffic that is highly relevant to your business. The trick is finding a way to squeeze as much performance out of PPC as possible so you can cut costs and increase revenue.

If you want to improve your PPC performance, you can do many simple things that will significantly impact ROI and follow the above PPC tips.

2. What is the PPC conversion rate formula?

PPC conversion rate formula will be calculated as: (clicks/impressions) x 100. This gives you your percentage conversion rate and lets you quickly see what pages are converting best and which ones are not.

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